Saturday, August 2, 2008


The new 2009 Ikea Cataloge is comming to a mailbox near you . . .

unfortunately it won't be in those mailboxes for another few weeks . . . BUT . . .

You can access it online!
I luvs the interwebs!

& according to the new cataloge the Charlotte store will be located at:
8300 IKEA Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28262

Program your GPS now people . . . although the GPS people probably won't have their crap together soon enough to get you there on opening day anyway . . . you know how it is with accessing new roads . . . UGH!

1 comment:

Jen Segrest (verybigjen) said...

You won't get catalogs mailed this year unless you ask for online. Next year you probably will be mailed some... or get them in the paper, I think they decide year to year on the distribution.